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Pakban Food Industries Group

Pakban is become DaneshBonyan

Pakban Food Industry Company was approved as a DaneshBonyan company.

Pakban is become DaneshBonyan
Pakban is become DaneshBonyan

Type 1 knowledge-based companies in Iran are one of the three categories of companies that are approved by the Vice President for Science based on their level of technology and innovation. These companies must have technological knowledge-based products that are produced based on research and development and also have laboratory or commercial samples. In Iran, the Law "Supporting Knowledge-Based Companies and Institutions and Commercialization of Innovations and Inventions" was approved in 2009 and started more extensive programs to support knowledge-based companies and institutions in recent years. This law includes issues such as the formation of a working group for the evaluation of knowledge-based companies, the formation of an innovation and prosperity fund, and the provision of tax and customs exemptions to knowledge-based companies. Since then, we have moved towards developing technology and completing the value chain. The evaluation of knowledge-based companies has also become more professional and strict in the new system. This process deeply strengthens the role of elites in solving the country's problems.